ImL has the most satisfied customers in the industry: NPS 90
(5/20 Seedi Solutions Office)
Excerpts from construction sites
Kesko Oy, Satamakatu 3
Design museo
Mehiläinen Töölö
Op-Vallila 2015
Helsingin yliopisto oikeuslääketieteellinen laitos
As.Oy Helsingin Ruori
Verohallinto, Haapaniemenkatu 4
Danske Bank, Kaupintie 3
Agricolan kirkko
As.Oy Tuulimylly
Mannerheimintie 103B
Koy Hauki
Koy Miekkakala
Koy, Elimäenkatu 12-16
Koy, Kutomotie 2
Koy, Erottajankulma
Koy, Elielin liikerakennus
Koy, Kasarmitorin kauppakeskus
Koy, Helsingin valimotie 17-19
Koy, Eteläesplanadi 18
Käpylän kirkko
Meritullin seurakuntatalo
H&M, Kauppakeskus Itis
Meilahden kirkko
Victorias secret, Kauppakeskus Forum
As.Oy Konalantie 9
Puistolan Kirkko
Pyhän jysäyksen seurakuntatalo
Ruskeasuon lämpökeskus
Seurasaaren verstas
Nuijamiestentie 1-3
Huopalahden Kirkko
Kaisanniemenkatu 13
Wärtsilä pääkonttori
Kallion kirkko
Valimotie 21
Radisson Kamppi
Seaside hotel
Suomalainen klubi
Taideteollinen korkeakoulu
Korkeavuorenkatu 35
Korkeavuorenkatu 34
Vuosaaren voimalaitos
Vartiokylän kirkko
Pitkäsillanranta 3
Töölön kirkko
Taksitalo Metsälä
Salmisaaren Voimala SaS
Salmisaaren Voimala SaB
Hanasaaren voimala
Munkkisaaren lämpökeskus
As.Oy Altus, Vironkatu 1
Sturenkatu 21
Runeberginkatu 14-16
Hanasaaren voimala, konepajarakennus
Fredrikinkatu 57
TVR Kansakoulunkuja 1
Koy Kampin Huippu
Katri Valan Lämpöpumppulaitos
Töölön sähkölaitos
Keskuskadun jäähdytyskeskus Kex
Tynnyrintekijänkatu 1
Apollon yhteiskoulu
Päiväkoti Särki
Koy Panimokatu 4
Kaisaniemenkatu 1
Koy Swing Plus C
Koy FMO Tapiola
Koy Sinimäentie 8
Miestentie 1
Keilaranta 6-8
Suomen luontokeskus Haltia
Lämpömiehenkuja 2
Kemistintie 1
Otakaari 7
Konemiehentie 2
Vuorimiehentie 2
Otakaari 4
Martinsillantie 2 a
Espoon Sairaala
Otakaari 1
Maarintie 6
Koy Otaniemen tiedeasunnot
Merituulen liikekeskus
Rakentajanaukio 4
Metallimiehenkuja 10
Nanotalo, Puumiehenkuja 2
Dipoli, Otakaari 24
Koy Maalitori
Koy Grandinkulma
Toimisto & liikekeskus Dixi
DHL Freight
Simonmetsän päiväkoti
Plaza business park Tuike
Riihitontuntie 1
Mittatie 9
Vantaankosken paloasema
Koy Petikon palvelutalo
As.Oy Vapaaherran Majakka
Kirkkonummen terveyskeskus
Veikkolan koulu
Vuorenmäen koulu
Liikekeskus Aalloppi
Päiväkoti Pilke Poutapilvi
Loviisan suomenkielinen koulukeskus
Koskenkylän koulu
Loviisan terveyskeskus
Harjunrinteen koulu
Myllyharjun koulu
Teboil Kivihovi
Porvoon Kampus
Yesterday we sealed an exit airduct to a seal class D. The sealing work was done 23 hours after the client requested an offer from us, just before they moved in.
So now is the time to pick your best shopping gear and go to Kalasatama for some real estate shopping. Westpro completed the really stylish As Oy Portus Bellus today, built partly on top of the sea.
"Thank you for the swift service.Other companies would have taken about 1.5 weeks to complete the work"
-Customer feedback
GK Inneklima As
We had the pleasure of collaborating with IML-Aeroseal to assist Statsbygg in the construction of the new national museum in Oslo. The challenge was that the magazine rooms for the art at the museum should have oxygen-poor air and for that reason there should be very little leakage from the surroundings to the ventilation ducts.
Because we have collaborated with IML-Aeroseal before and thus knew about their special expertise, we contacted them for a solution.
The main project was in the final phase and the challenge had to be solved in a very short time. On top of this, the Covid-19 pandemic had fully occurred in both Norway and Finland.
IML-Aeroseal has very good collaboration skills, service attitude and the ability to adapt to the circumstances quickly. This meant that the assignment could be carried out efficiently, without conflicts and with a good technical result.
The result of their solution meant that Statsbygg received less leakage than they demanded and in a shorter time than expected.
We will be happy to cooperate with IML-Aeroseal again in the future!
"How did ImL and GK cooperation go during the project? 10
10 Did ImL keep their promises about schedule?
How likely would you recommend ImL to your colleagues? 10 "-Henrik Frøyen
GK Inneklima AS / Norway
Kirkkonummi Municipality | Reference
As part of the indoor air repair, the Kirkkonummi Municipality has used ImL Oy's services to renovate the ventilation system at the Kirkkonummi Social and Health Centre in 2019-2020.
The building’s original ventilation system was leaking and in poor condition. Following the mapping of the AC network, a plan was made to repair major leaks, remove and treat wool fiber sources, improve controllability, remove soot and seal the ducts with the Aeroseal method, and adjust air volumes. The result was a sealed, more functional system and improved indoor conditions.The result was a sealed, more functional system and improved indoor conditions.
The result was a sealed, more functional system and improved indoor conditions. "
-Benny Vilander
Maintenance Engineer, Kirkkonummi Municipality
Customer case
Our latest sealing project was launched last night in Porvoo on the old side of the Eestinmäki kindergarten (section A). The sealing of the exhaust duct was completed and the sealage percentage was a modest 92% of the initial situation. The work is done at night without dismantling the structures and so that the operation of the kindergarten is not disturbed.
The ductwork is now better sealed than new and the exhaust air only leaves where it is intended and does not disappear along the way. After this week, the city of Porvoo will offer even fresher and healthier indoor air for its future hopes.
Referenssi esimerkki
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Referenssi esimerkki
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Referenssi esimerkki
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
ImL has the most satisfied customers in the industry: NPS 90
(5/20 Seedi Solutions Office)
10 Did ImL keep their promises about schedule?
10 How likely would you recommend ImL to your colleagues? 10"
10 Did ImL keep their promises about schedule?
10 How likely would you recommend ImL to your colleagues? 10"